Looking to enter into a partnership with another company in the aircraft industry? The first step is to draft an aircraft partnership agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of your partnership. This document is essential for protecting your interests and ensuring that everyone involved is on the same page.

What is an Aircraft Partnership Agreement?

An aircraft partnership agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between two or more companies in the aviation industry. This document is essential for defining the roles and responsibilities of each partner, setting out the terms of the agreement, and establishing the procedures for resolving disputes.

Key Elements of an Aircraft Partnership Agreement

An effective aircraft partnership agreement should include the following elements:

1. Partnership Structure: This section should define the type of partnership being formed, such as a limited liability partnership or a joint venture.

2. Purpose and Scope: This section should describe the purpose of the partnership and the scope of the agreement.

3. Contributions: This section should detail the financial and other contributions that each partner will make to the partnership.

4. Profit Sharing and Capital Accounts: This section should outline how profits will be shared and how capital accounts will be maintained.

5. Management and Governance: This section should set out the procedures for managing the partnership, including decision-making processes and dispute resolution mechanisms.

6. Term and Termination: This section should specify the length of the partnership and the circumstances under which it may be terminated.

7. Confidentiality and Non-Competition: This section should include provisions relating to confidentiality and non-competition agreements to protect proprietary information and prevent competition between partners.

Benefits of an Aircraft Partnership Agreement

An aircraft partnership agreement provides several benefits for companies entering into partnerships, including:

1. Clarity: The agreement provides clear guidelines and expectations for all parties involved, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

2. Protection: The agreement protects each partner`s interests and assets, ensuring that they are not exposed to undue risk or liability.

3. Flexibility: The agreement can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each partnership, allowing partners to structure the partnership in a way that best suits their needs.

4. Compliance: The agreement ensures that the partnership complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.


If you are entering into a partnership in the aircraft industry, an aircraft partnership agreement is a crucial document that can protect your interests and ensure a successful partnership. By working with experienced legal counsel, you can create an agreement that meets your needs and provides a solid foundation for your partnership.