When it comes to business and commerce, agreements are a common practice. However, not all agreements are valid under the law. One such agreement is a restraint of trade agreement, which is considered void. In this article, we will explore what a restraint of trade agreement is and why it is void.

A restraint of trade agreement is a contract between two or more parties that limits the ability of one or more parties to carry out their trade or profession. These agreements are typically used to protect the interests of the contracting parties. For example, an employer may require an employee to sign a restraint of trade agreement preventing them from working for a competitor for a certain period of time after leaving their current job.

However, such agreements are considered void by law if they are found to be against public policy. In general, they are considered to be against public policy when they limit free trade and competition, as this can negatively affect the economy.

There are two primary types of restraint of trade agreements: vertical and horizontal. Vertical agreements are between parties at different levels of the production or supply chain, while horizontal agreements are between competitors. Both types of agreements are subject to antitrust laws which prohibit practices that limit competition.

The types of restrictions that void a restraint of trade agreement include those that limit the geographic area where a party can conduct their business, those that limit the types of businesses a party can engage in, and those that limit the goods or services a party can offer. These restrictions are considered to be anti-competitive and therefore against public policy.

In conclusion, an agreement in restraint of trade is void when the restraining elements limit competition and free trade. Such agreements are typically used to protect the interests of the contracting parties but are considered to be against public policy. As a professional, it is important to understand the legal context of different business terms to ensure that any published material is accurate and informative.