If you are looking to submit an article to Elsevier Optik, it is important to know about the author agreement form. This form outlines the terms and conditions of publishing your work with Elsevier Optik and serves as a legal contract between the author and the publisher.

The Elsevier Optik author agreement form covers a variety of important areas including your authorship rights, copyright ownership, and overall responsibility for the content of your work. When filling out this form, it is important to pay close attention to each section and ensure that you fully understand the implications of the terms and conditions.

One important aspect of the author agreement form is the section pertaining to authorship rights. This section outlines the criteria for authorship and provides guidelines for how authorship should be attributed. It is important to carefully review this section to ensure that you are properly credited for your work.

Another key area of the author agreement form is the section on copyright ownership. This section specifies who holds the copyright to your work and how it can be used. In most cases, Elsevier Optik will hold the copyright to your work, but you may be able to negotiate certain rights such as the ability to share your work on social media or other platforms.

Finally, the author agreement form also outlines your overall responsibility for the content of your work. This includes ensuring that all sources are properly cited and that the work does not contain any plagiarized material. It is important to take this responsibility seriously and ensure that your work is properly attributed and free of any ethical concerns.

In summary, the Elsevier Optik author agreement form is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of publishing your work. As an author, it is important to carefully review each section and ensure that you fully understand the implications of the terms and conditions. By doing so, you can ensure that your work is published ethically and with the proper attribution.